Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Volunteering at Latitude Festival 2014

Hello again!
I know it's been a while since I last updated but I have a valid excuse, for the last week I've been away at Latitude Festival in Suffolk, volunteering with Hotbox Events as a steward! This essentially meant I got free entry to the festival (there's a £230 deposit that is returned in October) and in exchange I had to work 3 lots of 8 hour shifts throughout the festival. There are other shifts available, some lucky bums only had two shifts of 6 and a half hours, but I worked Friday 1am-9am, Saturday 9am-5pm and Sunday 5pm-1am.
All in all, it was a pretty good experience, you actually end up working a 9 hour shift as you have to be there an hour early, and sometimes if the people taking over from you are late you can be there even longer. This is especially prominent as the company I was with was horrendously unorganised for the first two days and we had no idea what we were meant to be doing. Personally, as a first time goer to Latitude, I probably wouldn't have gone this year if I had to have bought the ticket myself, but I would happily do so next year, as the atmosphere is perfect and the site is absolutely beautiful. Due to my work shifts though, I felt that I missed out on a lot, and didn't really ever get in to the atmosphere... But I guess that's what I should have expected.

Overall, I'm not sure if I would volunteer again, especially if the line-up was good, HOWEVER, I did have an absolutely fantastic time, and I met some absolutely fantastic people, and saw some brilliant live acts (such as Bombay Bicycle Club, pictured above). If you are looking for a cheap way to get to festivals and you aren't too bothered about missing bands and being exhausted for the whole festival, look no further, as with just the one deposit you can also attend Reading/Leeds festival with the same company, which is very nifty and budget friendly.

The lovely people I met and camped with!
A quick round up of acts/bands I managed to see:
Billy Bragg, Kelis, Crystal Fighters, Lily Allen, First Aid Kit, Bombay Bicycle Club, Milton Jones,  George Ezra, Temples etc.
If you have any questions, I'll try and answer, but that's all for now!
Megan xx

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Paignton Zoo Trip

Hello agan!
On Tuesday, Luke and I decided to do something with all our free time and we travelled the hour journey to Paignton Zoo in south Devon. The last time I remember going was in possibly 2008, and so I was pretty excited as I didn't know what to expect, although I knew that they did have a young giraffe born just last year!

Meerkats are some of my favourite animals so I couldn't resist snapping a photo of the little baby one!

This tortoise was just wandering around inside the little tropical area, we weren't even sure if he was allowed to be out of the enclosure!
We got really lucky with our day as we managed to see every animal that we went to, and it only rained for about 20 minutes the whole time we were there. The food was also absolutely gorgeous, and we had a breakfast smoothie, which contained frozen yoghurt and granola, which are some of the best edible things to exist. Although I'm not really a massive fan of zoos, Paignton seems to be setting the bar high with enrichment and enclosure sizes, and nearly all of its animals were endangered and in breeding programmes to help maintain the population, which is good. So overall a very, very lovely experience.

Anyway, this is what I wore  on the trip to the zoo, the shirt I recently bought of off Depop, the sandals, bag and the crop top are all from TopShop, the shorts are vintage Levi's, and the necklace I bought from Claire's accessories!

Obligatory photo of me posing badly with a peacock.

Anyway, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy the photos!
Megan xx

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