As it's been nearly a month and I cannot hide from my procrastination much longer, I thought I'd share some photos from my trip to Seattle. It rained the entire time that I was there, so I sadly didn't get very many photos on my good camera as I was a bit worried that it would get waterlogged. However, this didn't dampen our spirits (ha) and we still walked for bloody ages every day in an attempt to see as much of possible in the short time that I was there.
Seattle seemed like a fantastically cool city, there was stuff going on everywhere and it all looked so nice. I've had a bit of a mediocre affair with American cities so far, but I definitely loved Seattle a lot.
In typical geology student fashion, we visited the natural history museum on the UW campus, and then preceded to trek to as many sites as possible. Super fun. If you're planning a trip make sure you visit the gasworks park if only for the fact that it's where they filmed the paintball scene from 10 Things I Hate About You.