Sunday, 22 November 2015

Discovering New Music

Isn't discovering new music one of life's greatest pleasures? I've always thought so, and on that note I thought I would share with you a playlist composed of completely new songs to me, that I've been listening to while cowering under several blankets this weekend (yes, several).

In other news in my life, I am seeing Frank Turner again this weekend (hyped) and I've also applied to go on year abroad next year! Originally I wasn't planning on applying as I just didn't think it was going to be for me, and I've seen people that definitely didn't seem to enjoy theirs, so I was a bit wary. However after several of my housemates going on about it quite often I've reconsidered and I'm gonna be applying, although it's still not a guarantee whether I will go or not. I'm definitely currently excited about the prospect, as I think it will really push me out of my comfort zone, something I'm not quite that good at of recent times.

Thanks for reading, and hopefully I'll be back with some outfit posts (I really want to do some, just need to figure out logistics of taking photos!) and some make up talks too!

Hope you like the music too!
Megan x

Saturday, 14 November 2015

I'm Not Gone, I Promise!

Hey everyone!
I'm not gone, this blog is still a thing that I very much want to be a part of, and I really enjoy adding to this and rambling on about my life. However, as I've been somewhat ridiculously busy over these past few months it's been pretty hard to find the time/the effort in myself to want to keep posting on here.
Let me tell you a few things that I've been up to:
1. I was working 5 days a week at George, which was super cool because clothes and also because they've offered me a sesdonal position so I can go back in the Winter when I return home.

2. I went to Reading Festival again! That's right, for my 4th time in a row... It was amazing, as per, and I saw some great bands and although I feel like that may have been my last time attending, I'm so glad that I'm lucky enough to be able to go to festivals like this with my friends while I can.

3. I then moved back into London!! Yaaaay! I now live in Islington which means I do have a bit of a walk to uni every day (nikes are saving my feet) but it's a super lovely house and we have a garden! Which is pretty cool considering we live in the centre of London. Potentially going to do a room tour at some point once I've properly settled in and bought some more organising things for my room as it's a bit bare and also quite a lot more personal (only just put a load of photos on the wall and now it just feels so so much nicer!)

4.  I'm obviously now in my second year at uni, which apparently means I suddenly have loads of deadlines all over the place and I'm actually having a maths module at the moment which is completely insane as I've not officially really learnt any maths for about 4 years! Saying that, I am finding it really useful... Just pretty difficult to get my head around after such a gap in learning.

And lastly, I turned 20! Which is a truly horrifying thought but also one that hasn't really phased me all that much? Age has never been something I've really worried about, as I'm basically still a 15 year old emo at heart.

Again, I'm so very silly to not have been posting as I've bought some absolutely lovely clothes (whoops) since being back at uni and I really want to share more posts about everything really.
Please stay tuned, there will be more posts soon!

Megan x

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